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DATE Tue, 3 April, 2007
Interpreters get visibility (of various kinds) in media
January 18, 2007 Wall Street Journal article describes the travails of native Iraqi interpreters serving the US
military in Iraq who (along with their families) face death threats for being "traitors" while daily risking their
lives as do many others involved in the conflict. Meanwhile the New York Times on February 25, 2007 describes the
multiple roles played by and growing attention paid to the interpreters who work for major league baseball teams
helping their Japanese stars communicate in America. Most interpreters and translators do work neither as dangerous as
that of the Iraqis nor as glamorous as that of the baseball interpreters, but in any case it is good to see articles
about the profession in the US mass media. NOTE: articles may require registration and/or subscription.

Iraqi Interpreters (WSJ)
Baseball interpreters (NY Times)
DATE Wed, 26 March, 2008
Japan Not a Slouch in Per Head GDP
Japan Not a Slouch in Per Head GDP
An article in the March 15th Economist points out that Japan's relative economic
performance compared to the United States looks very different if GDP growth per person is
used as the yardstick instead of just total GDP growth rate. Taking into account Japan's
declining population, Japan's GDP growth exceeds that of the US. This suggests that living
standards are rising faster in Japan, which is certainly counter to the generally accepted
view in the business media.

See article in Economist
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